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Hair Care Tips for Oily Scalps and Dry Ends

There are plenty of products designed for oily hair and scalps—or dry hair and scalps. What do you use if you have an oily scalp and dry ends? This is known as combination hair, and it presents its own unique set of challenges. While you still want to keep your scalp hydrated, the heavy-duty products you might use on dry hair and scalps could be too much.

Here are some oily and dry hair tips.

How to tell if you have combination hair

People who bleach or dye their hair are more likely to have combination hair. That’s because dyes and bleach strip the hair of its natural oils. To determine whether this is your hair type, look at your ends. Are they brittle, damaged or split? That indicates that you have dry ends. Sun and heat exposure, pollution and chemicals like chlorine can also dry out your hair even if you don’t use dye.

If you have dry ends, consider how often you wash your hair. If it starts looking stringy, dull and lifeless after one or two days, your scalp is on the oily side. Oily scalps can be caused by products, but they may also be genetic. The scalp produces excess sebum, which is responsible for making your hair look greasy.

Hair care tips for combination hair

Here are some tips for your oily scalp and dry ends:

  • Change up your shampoo and conditioner routine: If you use shampoo and conditioner on your entire hair length, it’s time to change it up. Apply shampoo to your roots only. This will prevent your ends from drying out. Next use conditioner from the middle of your hair down to the ends. It adds hydration without making your scalp oily.
  • Get the right hairbrush: Every head of hair is different, so the type of hairbrush you use matters. Boar-bristle brushes are especially good for combination hair. Experiment with bristle types and lengths until you find one that works for you.
  • Brush your hair in long strokes: To redistribute the oils in your hair, brush your hair downward in long, continuous strokes. This will move oil from your scalp down to the ends so your ends can benefit from extra hydration.
  • Use dry shampoo: Dry shampoo is a great way to extend the time between washes. Since washing your hair every day can stimulate oil overproduction, the longer you can go, the better. Apply at the roots only and wait; then brush your hair as usual. Not only will it soak up excess oil around the roots, but it also adds volume and texture.
  • Try a hair oil: A few drops of hair oil—starting at the middle of your hair length—is an easy way to rehydrate your ends in between washes.

Get the products and the tools you need to treat combination hair. Aurora Beauty Supply offers everything you need to stock your salon or store. Stop by or call today to get started.